Friday, January 6, 2012

If It Walks & Talks Like a Duck, Then It Is a Potato!

     What a great way to start the year in the world of Resemblances as a Replica raises its head (and it's not a Jesus nor a Mary) in Cardiff, Wales.   This Resemblance was given life by Extractionist Emily Gaffney when she decided not to cook and eat a potato she found to resemble a duck!  It wasn't easy for Gaffney to decide on the exact Resemblance as she fluttered between puffin and duck.  Once she decided it wasn't long before he had a name - Bill.
     Gaffney Recognizes three points of reference on Bill - wings, a breast, and beak and I might add there is an eye, tucked-neck, and tail.  If one argues that his missing webbed feet are tucked into his body, he is a complete Replica!  It will be difficult to top this non man-made Replica this year.
     Pareidolia is a word often used when reporting on such stories.  The word was first used by Goldstein in 1994 despite other vocabulary words existing such as apophenia synchronicity & simulacra and is limited in scope when discussing Resemblances.

 Title: If It Walks Like a Duck and Talks Like a Duck, then it's a Potato!
 Resemblance: Duck
 Extractionist: Emily Gaffney
 Matrix: Potato (Type I - not man-made)
 Location: Cathays Cardiff, Wales
 Date: 5 Jan 2012