Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Cross Off The Old Chip

     By looking at Resemblances from a standpoint that they exist as opposed to why they exist, the power of Extractionism can be very useful.
     In this particular case, a family from Missouri has found it to be a comforting sign that aids them in the passing of their patriarch - James Hosterman.   Hosterman’s daughter Sharon Courtney- Hosterman was eating a snack a few days after the passing of her father when she noticed her chip had a cross in the center of it.  For Sharon it was a sign that "he went to the light".  For another family member it was James' way of getting the family to smile once again!
Pareidolia is a word often used when reporting on such stories.  The word was first used by Goldstein in 1994 despite other vocabulary words existing such as apophenia synchronicity & simulacra and is limited in scope when discussing Resemblances.

 Title: A Cross Off the Old Chip
 Resemblance: Cross
 ExtractionistSharon Courtney- Hosterman
 Matrix: HyVee Potato Chip
 Date: 19 Mar 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Saviour Not Saved

     The most remarkable element of this latest Extraction is that the Resemblance was covered up by paint!  If you consider that a grilled cheese sandwich sold for $28,000 because of a Resemblance to the Virgin Mary and a chicken nugget sold for $8,100 because of its Resemblance to George Washington, it makes hearing this news even more strange.  Perhaps if the owners that contracted Sam Dalby, a 37 year old self employed interior decorator, had discovered it and not Sam himself, they would have been more inclined to save it - maybe even framing it off as I instruct my students to do when they find a Resemblance at their homes.  This Resemblance appears on a Type II Matrix - man made but inadvertant or unintentional.
     Pareidolia is a word often used when reporting on such stories.  The word was first used by Goldstein in 1994 despite other vocabulary words existing such as apophenia synchronicity & simulacra and is limited in scope when discussing Resemblances.

 Title: The Saviour Not Saved
 Resemblance: Jesus Christ
 Extractionist: Sam Dalby
 Matrix: Painted Wall (Type II)
 LocationEldroth, near Austwick, North Yorkshire
 Date: 16 Mar 2012