Sometimes a strong resemblance can get you into trouble, especially if it’s a cop who’s doing the recognizing. A couple of Texans were hassled because their Buckeye decal Resembles a marijuana leaf!
February 4th, Monday, Bonnie Jonas-Boggioni, 65, and her husband were driving home to Plano, Texas from Columbus after attending her mother-in-law’s funeral when a pair of black police SUV’s stopped the couple a few miles outside of Memphis.
“Knowing I wasn’t speeding, I couldn’t imagine why,” Jonas-Boggioni told the Columbus Dispatch. “They were very serious. They had the body armor and the guns.”
On the back of Jonas-Boggioni’s car was a Buckeye leaf decal, similar to the one players’ have on their helmets, and cops mistakenly thought it was a marijuana leaf.
“What are you doing with a marijuana sticker on your bumper?” one of the cops asked Jonas-Boggioni.
That led Jonas-Boggioni and her husband to explain the meaning of the Ohio State sticker, which is given as a reward to OSU football players, Boggioni stepped out of the car to show his 2002 national-championship sweatshirt, one “complete with a Buckeye leaf,” Blundo wrote.
Disappointed, the officers excused the unwarranted stop by explaining that an officer in another jurisdiction had called in a report of the Boggionis’ sticker — believing the older couple to be at the forefront of some sort of massive marijuana ring, it seems.
“Police hunting drugs should know that a Buckeye leaf — which has five leaflets — doesn’t look much like a marijuana leaf, which typically has seven leaflets and a narrower shape,” Jones-Boggioni told Blundo.
Before letting the pair off, officers told the couple that they should remove the Ohio State sticker from their car. “I said, ‘You mean in Tennessee?' ” Jones-Boggioni said. “No, permanently,” the officers replied.
“I didn’t take it off,” Jones-Boggioni told Blundo. “This little old lady is no drug dealer.”
Src : Joe Blundo of The Columbus Dispatch “Buckeye leaf mistaken by Tennessee police” Feb 14, 2013
About the author: the power of Resemblances inspired artist Ismael Cavazos to create the Old Man in the Peanut after recognizing the heart of a peanut resembles an old man’s hooded head complete with beard. He now brings you Remarkable Resemblances from around the World with the Replica Report.
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